The majority of notices are not valid, but resolution is often time-consuming and requires multiple telephone calls and written responses. Resolution typically requires 3-4 months.
You may respond to the notice yourself. Or, if you prefer, you may engage our office to reply on your behalf.
Review and /or responding to notices is NOT included in the fee for your tax preparation and is billed at our hourly rates.
Depending upon the nature of the notice, a retainer may be required upon engaging our office to review or respond to notices.
Please be aware of the following regarding notices:
- Remit the entire notice to us (include ALL pages, front & back) by email or drop it off in person.
- Please DO NOT send photos from your phone or text the notice to us. Texted photos are difficult to print and have poor resolution, making them challenging to read.
- Please allow our office sufficient time to review and address the notice
- Send notices to our office AS SOON AS THE NOTICE IS RECEIVED. The state of GA requires notices to be protested online, and if the letter date is older than 20 days, online protest is impossible.
- Be prepared to receive multiple notices even after we have issued a response. Until the notice is resolved, additional notices are mailed every 30 days. Therefore, you can anticipate receiving additional notices even after we have attempted to resolve your issue. Each subsequent notice becomes more intense and is updated with extra interest charges. This is a routine procedure by the IRS and all state departments of revenue.